Sunday, July 12, 2009

Boo! to Boo Radley

Remember the front of the house? See the scorched earth along the walkway? Notice the unruly bushes? There's even a small maple tree smack dab in the middle of the shrubs. Sam has been scheming how to remedy the yard's aesthetic woes, so the H of B can shake off the Boo Radley House reputation.

This morning we took a trip to Gertens and got a lot of great advice. Sam had researched earlier that we needed to over-seed the dead lawn, which requires fertilzer, soil, and seed. At Gertens, they had exactly what we needed - Minnesota grass seed for 50+ year old lawns. So, today we trimmed back the wilderness in front of the house, patched the lawn, and for good measure, adorned the front stoop with a pot of purple petunias.

It just so happened that a neighbor saw our progress, and after introducing himself, mentioned "it looks like a yard now." Take that Boo Radley!

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