Monday, July 4, 2011

HofB vs Winter 2011

I think most people around here would agree that the Minnesota Winter of 2011 seemed to last FOREVER. The blizzards (conveniently always occurring in time for the Monday commute), the bone-breaking ice, tire-blowing pot holes, and tundra-like temperatures drove even the most dedicated of us to give Minnesota the finger and scream ENOUGH ALREADY.

When we started hearing stories of the ice dams building up in gutters and under shingles, we got nervous. Our neighbor even hired an expert to chisel down their ice dams - at $200 per hour! Then we heard the horrors of the ice dams melting and water pouring into homes through light fixtures, destroying interior walls and ceilings. Why Minnesota, WHY?

We did our part by raking snow off of the roof and tossing rock salt-filled panty hose legs in the gutters (it's weird, but it works), but the rest was up to the house. To our relief, HofB took it like a champ and sustained only very minor damage.

We are very proud home-owners and grateful for a home with good bones. As for Minnesota, it is giving us a B-E-A-UTIFUL summer that is helping us to forgive the mess of last winter.

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